Act 3639
The BAI was created on January 1, 1930 pursuant to Act 3639 to investigate, study and report the cause of dangerous communicable diseases and the means of prevention, and in general, promote the development of the livestock industries.
AO 0026 s. 2013
Joint DOH and DA AO that regulates the licensing and registration and regulatesthe manufacturing, importation, distribution and monitoring of veterinary drugs and products, veterinary biological products and veterinary drug establishments.
RA 1556 of 1956 (as amended by PD 7)
Regulates the manufacture, importation, labeling, advertising and sale of livestock and poultry feeds
PD 34 Section 105 (r) s. 1972
Regulates the granting of tax free importation for breeder animals
RA 8485 of 1998(amended by RA 10631)
Animal Welfare Act of 1998
Promote animal welfare in the Philippines
RA 9729 of 2009
Climate Change Act of 2009
Mainstreams climate change into government policy formulations
EO No. 338, s. 2001
Restructured the DA to align its offices and units in implementing its mandates consistent with the AFMA
EO No. 292 s. 1987
Administrative Code of 1987
defined the staff functions of the Bureau, such as to:
RA 9482 of 2007
Anti-Rabies Act of 2007
Lead in the control and eradication of animals and human rabies
RA 10611 of 2013
Food Safety Act of 2013
Being one of the regulatory agencies under the Department of Agriculture is responsible for the enforcement of food safety standards and regulations in the primary and post harvest stages of food derived from animals including eggs and honey.
Supreme Court Mandamus
Clean-Up, Rehabilitation and Preservation of Manila Bay where the BAI , through the Department of Agriculture, is mandated to reduce livestock pollution loading into the Manila Bay System by 50% in five (5) years (2014-2018)
RA 10068 of 2010
Organic Agriculture Act of 2010
The BAI was mandated to promote, propagate, further develop and implement the practice of organic livestock in the country.
EO 366 s. 2004
Rationalization Plan
Directing a strategic review of the operations and organizations of the executive branch and providing options and incentives for government employees who may be affected by the rationalization of the functions and agencies of the executive branch