The Bureau of Animal Industry IBAIJ hereby notifies all concerned the cessation of
processing of application for the issuance of License to Operate [LTO) as Veterinary
Drugs and Products (VDAP) and Veterinary Biologics establishments, Certificate of
Product Registration (CPR) and Certificate of Veterinary Biological Product
Registration (CVBPR), and other related certifications
Finished products for therapeutic purposes for animals, including veterinary drugs,
medicated feed products, and antimicrobials , shall be under the regulation of Food
and Drug Administration IFDAJ.
The issuance of authorization for feed ingredients, feed additives or feed raw materials
intended for the manufacturing or production of animal feeds, except for veterinary
drugs or ingredients with therapeutic, antimicrobial or medicated properties, shall
remain under the regulations of the BAl.
Correspondingly, the Sanitary-Phytosanitary lmport Clearance (SPSIC) for animal
feeds, veterinary drugs or biological products shall continue to be processed by the
For inquiry and clarification, stakeholders are hereby advised to contact the
Department of Health - Food and Drug Administration (DOH-FDA) at
https ://
For your information and guidance.
Jun 26